Newly disabled join Beit Halochem

To date, more than 2,000 newly disabled have joined Beit Halochem. Our volunteers and members, including Beit Halochem Chairman Edan Kleiman, are visiting the injured in hospitals throughout Israel.

Since October 7…

• 2,005 men and women have been officially recognized as Beit Halochem disabled veterans by Israel’s Ministry of Defence.

• 6,215 members of Israel’s security forces have been wounded in action.

We are increasing rehabilitative equipment and therapists, as well as expanding vital PTSD programs, while we prepare to receive thousands of new members.

This can only be done with your help!

Beit Halochem is the only organization legally responsible for the well-being of all Israel’s disabled veterans. Our role is more critical than ever.

We will be with them – and their families – from the time of injury and for the rest of their lives.


‘Fauda’ star says ‘Thanks’


Here for our Heroes