Since 1978, Beit Halochem Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel has raised funds for the rehabilitation of the courageous men and women injured while safeguarding the State of Israel.

With the unwavering commitment of our dedicated volunteers,
generous donors, and supportive community, BHC is proud to be
making a difference today for our Heroes’ tomorrow!

Beit Halochem Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel raises funds to support rehabilitating, rebuilding, and enhancing the lives of thousands of Israelis disabled in the line of duty or through acts of terror. At Beit Halochem Centres across Israel, injured veterans, and their families, are provided with personalized rehabilitative services, specialized sports, and cultural and recreational programming from the time of injury and for the rest of their lives.

Our Mission

Our Team

Lisa Levy, Executive Director

Lisa Levy, Executive Director

Since arriving in Canada
in 1989 from her native Johannesburg, South Africa, Lisa’s full career has been
in the not-for-profit sector.
She joined BHC as its
Executive Director in 1997, founding such initiatives as Courage in Motion bike ride through Israel and Kids of Courage.

Toby Feldberg, National President

Toby Feldberg, National President

When Toby assumed the role of BHC President in 1997, it was the culmination of a lifetime of her vision, commitment, leadership, and philanthropy that has benefited Canada’s Jewish community,
as well as Israel.

  • Toby Feldberg, President
    Steven Goldenberg, Vice President
    Michael Gould, Vice President
    Philip Lieberman, Treasurer
    Helene Meyer, Secretary
    Victor Peters, Member at Large
    Julia Sax, Member at Large
    Dee-Dee Shiffman, Member at Large

  • Danielle (Bizouati) Abrams
    Brian Barish
    Susan Flam
    Dani Frodis
    Joni Kwinter
    Doug Mayoff
    Ray Nissan
    Barbara Orvitz
    Dr. Philip Solomon
    Riva Toeman
    Richard Wachsberg
    David Wallach
    Ian Zagdanski

  • Marilynne Friedman
    Roz Gelade
    Mandy-Ann Plet
    Susan Yoksimovich