Thank you for your interest in hosting an event or initiative in support of
Beit Halochem Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel.
Your event raises much-needed funds and awareness for our organization.
Beit Halochem Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel (“BHC”) is committed to assisting in the rehabilitation, rebuilding, and enhancing the lives of Israelis injured in the line of duty or through acts of terror. At state-of-the-art rehabilitation Beit Halochem Centres across Israel, men and women benefit from individualized therapies, specialized sports rehabilitation training, and cultural arts and family-oriented activities. Beit Halochem is with Israel’s disabled Heroes, and their families, from the time of injury and for the rest of their lives.
BHC appreciates special events and/or initiatives organized and sponsored by individuals, corporations, and organizations (“Event organizer(s)”) to raise financial support and awareness of BHC.
In accordance with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines and for the benefit of BHC and event organizer(s), our policies, criteria, and guidelines are summarized below.
We encourage you to go to the CRA Charities website for complete information.
Event organizer(s) agree to:
Maintain a respectful image of BHC to ensure positive exposure and increased awareness;
Ensure all funds raised are directed to BHC;
Use own contact list(s) to recruit participants/attendees and meet fundraising goals;
Assume full responsibility and liability for all event costs and proceedings;
Use BHC-approved terminology (ie. Our commitment is to Israel’s injured veterans; veterans must always be used in promotional materials)
Invite, at least, two BHC representatives from among staff or Board and acknowledge their presence at the event.
BHC reserves the rights to:
Decline the use of its name and logo or withdraw its involvement and use of its name and logo for any event not meeting its approval:
Withdraw agreement by giving event organizer(s) 24-hour notice with no financial and/or collateral obligations resulting from the cancellation.
Use of BHC Logo and Name and Promotion
Event organizers may use BHC’s logo and name in event/initiative marketing and promotional materials only with BHC’s written, prior approval;
Any reference to BHC must make clear that the event is not a BHC event and is strictly the “beneficiary charity”;
BHC will have final approval of all event promotional materials. Three (3) business days must be provided to BHC for this approval;
NO materials can be distributed without BHC approval. This ensures adherence to our mandated terminology (again, our commitment is to Israel’s injured veterans);
BHC will not provide its mailing and/or donor list to event organizer(s) or mail out promotional material to BHC’s donors on behalf of the event/initiative.
BHC assumes no legal and/or financial liability associated with your event;All event-related contracts must be viewed by BHC before signing. Further BHC will not be named in, or sign contracts on behalf of the event organizer(s). No contract will be signed, or obligations made on behalf of BHC, without BHC’s approval and written consent;
Event organizer(s) will submit net proceeds from the event in addition to all related financial reports including a complete list of event expenses and revenues within 60 days following event. BHC has the right to verify the financial reports;
Event organizer(s) will provide BHC with a week’s notice if the event is to be cancelled;
All athletic events require that every participant sign waiver forms waiving BHC of any physical, personal, and or financial liability;
BHC has no tolerance for violence or harassment, including behaviour or speech that is demeaning or intimidating.
All events and/or initiatives benefiting BHC are held to the same standard of no tolerance for harassment and violence.
Any confirmation of such behaviour will result in the removal of BHC’s logos and identification and the cancellation of the relationship between BHC and event fundraisers/organizers.
BHC is committed to following all CRA rules and regulations regarding tax receipts. CRA guidelines can, and do, change from time to time;
BHC has the discretion to issue tax receipts and retains that discretion. If tax receipts are issued by BHC, the receipts will be issued according to CRA guidelines. The following information will be required: the full name of donor eligible for a receipt, their donation amount and full address;
Sponsorship donations to the event are not eligible for tax receipts;
BHC will not underwrite any events;
BHC will determine, in its sole discretion, where and how event proceeds will be allocated as per BHC’s Board of Directors annual commitment to Beit Halochem Centres across Israel.
BHC will not cover insurance for events and/or initiatives;
Event organizers must have appropriate insurance for events and show proof of insurance coverage prior to the event.
Licenses and Fees
Any event involving licenses and fees will conform to government regulations. BHC will not complete applications for license/permits that the event may require;
Event organizer(s) is required to provide copies of licenses and/or permits upon request;
Event organizer(s) will pay the fees for required license and/or permit.
BHC will not provide:
Reimbursement for event expenses. Expenses must be deducted from event revenue
Assistance with ticket sale or securing corporate sponsorships or donations
Social media promotion via BHC platforms
Email blast/promotion to BHC databases
Insurance for events
Prizes, auction items, or awards
Guaranteed attendance of staff or volunteers
Assistance in applying for special occasion permits or any licences.